I'm an algerian medical student, I have 24 years old, my dream is to be a model, but unfortunately in my country if you haven't normal modeling standards you can never be a model, but I won't lose hope, I'm an optimist person, I still working until I get my dreams.
It's a beautiful chance, like a gift from God, it make us very happy and encourage us to continue and never give up. I really love it ❤️
People always say that I'm very cute but in the same time they say that I'm not handsome, I have not a sexy body, so I can't be a model, no it's wrong, cute people also can be models, personaly I like seeing a cute model not a sexy one, so please don't judge us when we try to be models, first and before all, I want to succeed, achieve my goals and be a famous model to be happy, after that I'll transmit a message to persons who told me that I'll never be a model, persons who broke me and also person who has a dream and thinks it's impossible to achieve it, I just want to tell them; yes I did it, I'm not a loser, you too you can do it, just you should work hard and never give up.