South Africa
21 years old
Who am I?

Hi everyone I'm Tlotlo Sekgabi , 17 years of age though everyone who knows me literally gets my name wrong😂 now "Who am I " i still remember my teacher asking me my "WHO" and I was perplexed because I didn't know what she was referring to and so I simply answered , "I am Tlotlo Sekgabi , I'm 17 years old and I love junk food"😂 mind you I thought that was the best answer ever but then she went on and said "I didn't say tell me about your likes and dislikes I said tell me you WHO" and it still didn't make sense to me. Coming across this kind of question made me realize how important it is to know who you are and as for me Im a bird that's still learning how to fly , someone who hasn't really figured out what life is all about but best believe that I am aspiring to become someone in this beautiful world. I would label myself as an opportunist because I grab each and every opportunity thrown my way and I fight for what I want, the type of courage that I have doesn't allow me to back out, I want something I go for it. To say that "I'm kind, caring, loving etc" would sound a bit cliche but best believe I leave a mark in everyone's life , I'm the kind of person who knows how to work with people, my friends say I like playing the role of a psychologist lol , and to me that's how it's supposed to be , I always make sure that who are surrounding me are okay emotionally because nothing hurts more than acting strong whilst you not or faking a smile. One day I would love to help the less fortunate , that's how kind I am and I believe that that's why I was brought into this world , to uplift others

What do I think about The Fashion Hero TV series?

It is the best show ever! ❤️ Where girls can learn more about being confident and seeing their real Beauty behind the layers of make-up. The TV series makes me realize that I'm very beautiful and I can even become a model.

Why would I be a great role model for this generation and inspire people as the new face of The Fashion Hero?

I know what is like to have your spirit broken down, your confidence crushed on the ground and your self esteem lowered beyond my control. I know what it's like to feel like you are fading , looking at the mirror and only seeing half of what you used be and I don't want anyone else experiencing that. It's no use denying that we are a broken generation, depressed , full of anxiety , unsure of who we are and that was caused by the same people we surround ourselves with. So why would I be a great role model you ask❤️ let me tell you , I rose from the misery of feeling unworthy and unpretty and that's what I want for each and every person who's unable to go out there feeling confident about themselves without having to worry about their clothes , the colour of their lipstick. I want to be the one whom everyone sees themselves in and getting the belief that they can be whoever they want to be. I want to use my story to inspire people to be themselves no matter what because if we let the world shun us every time we go out there then we are never getting anywhere. I want people to know and feel their beauty without validation or relying on compliments because one day you'll go out there and someone will tell you how ugly you are, trust me as a person who relies on compliments dished out by other people it will put a dent on your confidence.

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