Hey everyone!! My name is Tess and I'm 17. I love going to church, taking hikes and going on adventures with people I love. I've been acting for my whole life, and really enjoy interacting with people. I've been on multiple mission trips to help others around the world. It has opened my eyes to the amount of poverty in certain places and I encourage anyone who can help to help. I also really want to spread a message of kindness and love, because in this world we live in bullying is so prevalent, and yet is so overlooked. I hope to gain a platform by being here to spread this message of hope and to let viewers know their dreams are achievable.
My dream is to obtain a platform where I can spread positivity and love. By always having a smile and always being someone another can lean on or look up to. I dream to be not perfect, but real.
As the next fashion hero, I would have a platform to spread my message of hope and love. I would be able to reach people through photography and style as well, which is a challenge I am ready to take.