The embodiment of creativity at best, I am also a very sociable individual who is also very compassionate. I love meeting people and I love being challenged to my limits. Also a very hard work and have room to learn continuously.
I want to own a beauty and fashion line that is inclusive. I also want to grow In the content creation space and be a household name. I also want to work with disadvantaged kids and give them an opportunity to shine through their skill set. I also want to be a great model
As part othe next fashion hero I want to use the position to bring forth inclusion in the modelling space, if I make it I would be a role model to many in that regardless of the fact that I don't meet the preset standards of beauty, I still am beautiful thereby giving me a voice to encourage other people with similar dreams to embrace who they are and shine. Therefore what I want to do differently is create a hub that gives opportunities to models that are not defined by the standards of beauty and also as I stated as a dream of mine, to help those kids that are disadvantaged for example orphaned and help find and nurture their talent.