My name is Steven Smith I've been a lover of Fashion all my life. Being a black man with so many things coming agaisnt you. You find what speaks to your soul. and that is Fashion and Entertainment. Growing up in the ghetto and struggling with being molested at a young age, I escaped with music and clothes. God kept my mind and opened doors for me inspite of my life spiraling out of control. He still allowed me to find out in him and his gift of Faahio . Now I am known as the Highfashionpriest my motto is "I can style you from Goodwill to Gucci, A Rummage sale to Rodeo Drive, Walmart to Worth Avenue." Since the early 90' I have done countless of shows, CEO of Fashion Week West Beach. Wardrobe stylist to many, Proudce a slew of shows. Many competitions, Hosting all types of shows. So if any can do it I bear the odds because of who watches over me. Thank you for your time.
I love the idea because I would be the one who others sa9d that I don't fit the mold of someone in who would be in the world of Fashion. I'm the oddball the black sheep. So I understand what it means to be a Fashion Hero for many people because I know its possible I'm possible
I would be a great mentor because of where I came from and all that i went through from being raped, molested in near death situations, battle many sicknesses I was told no over and over but what was in me could not be turned off. I've been encouraging many because my story brings God glory.