South Africa
31 years old
Who am I?

A beautiful sapphire princess with a mind of a full speed racing car a happy soul very bubbly and loud am a go-gather a community builder, i love fashion to a sense that I live like the are cameras surrounding me, am an outgoing person shaker and a mover am always looking for new opportunities I don't wait to be called i call myself, am a God fearing young woman inspired by nature and every young person getting up every morning to face the world I embrace life a lot.

What do I think about The Fashion Hero TV series?

I want to be a television star and a model, I am so passionate about modelling, fashion, creativity dancing and singing but I can't really sing,

Why would I be a great role model for this generation and inspire people as the new face of The Fashion Hero?

fashion is like my daily bread I eat fashion I see designs in shadows given a chance I can teach people that its not the price that matters but you can rock a cheap outfit and still look good, I can style anyone from a dull look to a sophisticated look , I can tear a normal looking shirt without using equipment and look amazing , I accessories look with a pair of glasses weather the same colour or not I a pair of watch , a head wrap even just a simple swimsuit with a pair of jeans and a pair of shining shoes and all this kind of outfits they bring confidence in a person a person like me can change how people view fashion and it will be a good way to influence people to look out of the box when it comes to dressing up and when a person looks good they do good will have a lot of people showing up in the next generation.

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