From Colorado Springs, I am a 20 year resident with two amazing children and two incredible step children. Known as Dr. Scott in the Chiropractic community, my patients and colleagues describe me as, "kind, supportive, intuitive, and blessed with an impeccable sense of fashion". Having been a pageant dad for 5 years, I have enjoyed volunteering at local pageants in hopes of inspiring young girls to believe in themselves and follow their dreams. My daughter and I both have volunteered with Make a Wish Foundation to help bring everlasting smiles to children who are debilitated by disease. I've been married to a woman and to a man. I'm a father and a step father. I'm a doctor, rugged, professional, and educated and have walked with my patients through their pain into their restoration. I've been so ill that I was unable to walk for weeks. I've knocked at death's door and lived through years of physical pain that would drive many people to give up the fight. I've been depressed and anxious but always find a way to talk myself out of the pits of hell. This is what has made me the man I am.
When I was a kid, my friends would save their money for video games or sports equipment while I would save my money for the latest fashionable clothing. My dream since that young age has been to be a model. But I don't want to just be an unrealistic super model, I want to be a rugged, relatable, and authentic man that uses his story to market inspiration. I want each viewer to see my face and know that I've seen heaven and I lived through hell. For every broken heart, shattered dream, and devastating loss I've survived I choose now to LIVE. Through modeling, I seek to relate to others through the pain and triumph in my eyes and inspire them to live too.
After my husband left me in 2018, which is the same year I lost my Step-dad and my brother, I didn't think I could survive and honestly I wasn't sure I wanted to. The pain of such great loss made it difficult just to breathe most days. I knew being alone for Christmas in 2018 was not going to be good for me so I booked a trip to Cancun to find myself. This trip was so powerful for me I decided to have some pictures taken so I could always remember how I found myself again. This decision led to a photo shoot that brought back the confidence I lost during my second divorce. The photographer made me promise I would pursue modeling when I returned home. The inspiration I gained from a photo shoot in Cancun has led me to inspire countless others who have lost hope, self-confidence, and sometimes the will to go on. I feel I can make a difference as the Next Fashion Hero by being an example of finding yourself and following your dreams in the midst of great loss and reaching out to others who need to see that it's possible.