28 years old
Who am I?

I’m 22 years old from Memphis Tennessee, I’m ready to accomplish miny dreams and start my life off right , I have some much time and dedication that I will put into this to make sure my dream comes true . Success is what I’m striving for

What do I think about The Fashion Hero TV series?

I wanted to be a veterinarian growing up as a child I love animals so much , I also love myself and cherish what God created of me I feel as if I have the talent that you all need I would be great for this postition

Why would I be a great role model for this generation and inspire people as the new face of The Fashion Hero?

. I want to make a difference in someone’s life and show them it’s okay to face their fears and take a chance at life , I once was insecure of myself until I actually saw how beautiful I was inside and out and I want to motivate all the young girls to keep striving to fulfill their dreams .

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