Puerto Rico
28 years old
Who am I?

Hi I am a Medical Student and a Lifeguard. I am very interested to end my career in medicine and be able to help more the people. I love helping people to feel better . I also love being a lifeguard it gives me the opportunity to meet friends and help protect people .

What do I think about The Fashion Hero TV series?

I think that is a opportunity to demonstrate myself and others that real beauty is insides of all of us. It doesn't matter the appearance ,what it matter is our hearts.

Why would I be a great role model for this generation and inspire people as the new face of The Fashion Hero?

I think I can be a role model because as a Medical Student , lifeguard and a woman I have seen how precious life is and how valuable is. I try everyday to help others not only by helping them with their health but also let them know to appreciate everyday and don't make people's opinions stop them to become what they want.

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