29 years old
Who am I?

At this point in my life I am a complete opposite of myself from, let's say, seven years ago. I was a shy, quiet, extremely self conscious kid. However, right now I feel like myself. And I feel confident as MYSELF. I am a creative soul. Painting, photography, baking are my true passions and I can relax when I find time to do these things. I currently work as a baker. It's a tough job, I tell ya. But I like it. Andother than that, I'm just your regular geeky introverted gay guy who loves listening to audiobooks, playing videogames, boardgames, experimenting with makeup and doing DIY's.

What do I think about The Fashion Hero TV series?

I always want to grow as a person, I want to travel, meet new people, experience new cultures, learn new languages, acquire new skills and so on. I would love to make my hobbies a possible carreer.

Why would I be a great role model for this generation and inspire people as the new face of The Fashion Hero?

I will be the spokesperson for all the people who feel shy and self conscious about themselves. There is no point in feeling that way. You are beautiful, you just need to realize it. And if I can push you to that realization I'll do it! And also nobody cares. Go ahead, embarass yourself! Literally noone will give a f*ck the next day. Also I want to make people not be afraid of their creativity. If you're a guy and you enjoy makeup, wear that colourful eyeshadow henney, it looks great, I love it. If you're a woman who likes wearing suits, guuuur put on that tie and make the world see how great you look! Gender stereotypes in Slovakia are still deeply rooted into it's citizens and I want to open people's minds towards all of this beauty.

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