South Africa
21 years old
Who am I?

I am an introvert and a shy person but at the same time I'm a go-getter. I'm a bubbly and adventurous person but I'm also a bookworm. I like to think of myself as a strong woman as I have tackled a lot of challenges in life, I'm guarded which makes it hard for me to make new friends. Even though I struggle with new friendships I'm also respectful, loving and kind. And I'm an art lover.Above all, I always strive for better opportunities and I am open to learning new things.

What do I think about The Fashion Hero TV series?

I think it is a great show that caters for all kinds of people and it always makes me feel better about myself. And I love the show because it teaches you how to be comfortable with being you and to never doubt or degrade yourself.

Why would I be a great role model for this generation and inspire people as the new face of The Fashion Hero?

I think I would be a great model because I am someone that a lot of people can relate to and being different and open-minded can also make it easy for people to work with me in harmony. And I would really love to show people that it doesn't matter where you come from or what you've been through, you can always achieve your dreams and reach greater heights despite the circumstances. I want to be an inspiration to all those girls that think they are not pretty enough, thin enough or tall enough, it's for all those girls that have insecurities and believe that they are better off dead. I wanna give hope to those that have no hope and inspire people to strive for better opportunities.

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