26 years old
Who am I?

I would say I have a vibrant and magnetic personality that captivates everyone around me. My energy is infectious, and I have a natural talent for making people laugh and feel at ease. My unique quirks and genuine love for others make me a perfect person in any social setting. Although I can be very loud and outgoing I also have a different side to me. My caring and soft-hearted nature shines through in everything I do. I have a huge love for animals and nature which is evident in the way I appreciate and cherish them. My faith in God fuels my desire to make a positive impact and spread love around the world. Love is such a powerful force, and my mission to encourage everyone to love each other and find happiness is truly inspiring. Together, let's make the world a better and more loving place!

What do I think about The Fashion Hero TV series?

It sounds absolutely amazing! It's wonderful to see TV series that celebrate diversity and showcase the beauty in all individuals. It's important to promote inclusivity and challenge traditional beauty standards. I'm excited to see the positive impact this series can have and would love for my personality to be apart of it.

Why would I be a great role model for this generation and inspire people as the new face of The Fashion Hero?

I would be a great role model because of my caring nature, love for others, and my desire to make the world a better place. My passion for spreading love and promoting inclusivity I hope would be inspiring to others watching. By being true to myself and embracing my unique qualities, I can show others the importance of acceptance and kindness. I have been through extreme trauma growing up which has made me a great emphatic. I want to show people no matter what you go through in life no matter how low you feel or how worthless you feel you can achieve anything and just because you are different does not mean you shouldn’t be here just as much as the next person.

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