Beauty to me isn’t just looks It includes personality live life compassion empathy ones soul and their spirit How they weather life lessons
Cell 626 993 5851 Fitness professional Instagram kellymacmethod Fb kellymacmethod Linkedln Kelly Mac Kellymacmethod.com Bio I'm considered the first wave of "The Boat people" after the Fall of Saigon, April 30, 1975. Imagine having lunch with your family.The phone rings! "The VCs are coming we MUST leave NOW!" Driven to a boat dock, "You want to board.You give up EVERYTHING!" there we were striped incl food supply, they even took grandmas wedding ring! Her courage was Bigger than her 5'2 95 pound petite frame. She loved & wanted us to have a Better life. Pushed on a metal raft packed like sardines with ONLY the clothes on our back. We drifted for days WITHOUT food, water and shelter in S China Sea left to die until we were rescued by a U.S. Naval Carrier. Arrived in NYC. Princeton University housed assisted us. Later, Uncle Peter graduated as an Honor student at PU. Memorial Day,1975. first hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, jello and COOL WHIP! "Hallelujah! I love America!". Summer 78 arrived in CA, I bought a .49 cent book, it changed my life. I read and applied J Pilates method way before "the trend". I never had parents to guide, inspire, Unconditional love. Due to my hardships, I turned to exercising and practiced Pilates Every day. I felt IMMEDIATE found strength, mental clarity which in turn which have the ability to endure. Four decades later, I'm STILL practicing it, "my happy hour" 2003 first MAC Pilates Studio. Locals were Excited. ALL of my classes were packed. Known as "the little Asian woman who taught Pilates". I taught Every class with precision and Gratitude. Soon, I had to expand to a larger studio then another (WNY) mean while, I was going through another nasty divorce finding myself as a single mother Again. It’s Not how many times I have fallen but I get up and I am PUMPED each time to DO BETTER. MY GREATEST achievement thus far being a mother. Motto I live by "Shoot for the moon even if i miss i will land on among the stars" DREAM. Stay hungry, Humbled and Grateful. I am A SURVIVOR. As far as I am concern, I am Already successful. I survived and honored my callings. What didn't kill me made is Stronger. What's next? Stay tune. KMac IS Back!!! I will get EVERYONE PUMPED! Just MAC it everyday!!! Just had my bday yesterday, one Happy Healthy mom Ready to bring it home! I’m available to work immediately. Mind Body and Faith to RISE! Humbleness IS a Beautiful attitude Ngoc Kelly Kim Mac
My interests are Helping motivating and inspiring people to be their best