39 years old
Who am I?

I am a non binary dad, husband, Iranian American Queer man who lives in the NYC area! I came to NYC when I was in my early 20s to pursue modeling and would get into agencies only to be told I had to stop wearing makeup, wearing feminine clothing and also having to lose weight. I came to develop a serious eating disorder for the years to come and then met my now partner/wife 11 years ago. When we met I stopped throwing up and found my confidence again in modeling in music. I was featured in Paper Magazine, Interview Magazine, French Glamour and even had a cameo in a Volkswagen commercial. As a queer model/artist I went on to performing as well and was asked to audition for Americas Got Talent in 2015 where I made it to Judges Cut and had a notorious encounter with Mel B. which I was disappointed in myself as I felt like all the insecurities I had and experiences I had with not feeling accepted took me to a dark place and that unfortunately was sensationalized on tv. It was a life changing experience though as it made me want to better myself. From there I went to open my own modeling agency called Zandwagon which launched with OUt.com and was featured on Teen Vogue. We went to get jobs for only queer, plus, trans, or any talent that was not traditional. In my personal life I got married went to have 2 kids, 1 on the way! While I have loved creating opportunities for my models and putting everything into myself I would love this opportunity to purse what I came to NYC, and finish that! Also it would be an added bonus to make amends with Mel and show my growth as a person.

What do I think about The Fashion Hero TV series?

I love the message and am so happy to see a show that celebrates are uniqueness regardless of age, gender, orientation, or shape. The future is now!

Why would I be a great role model for this generation and inspire people as the new face of The Fashion Hero?

I think a great role model is honest, brave, vulnerable enough to fall but strong enough to stand back up and not only better themselves but the people and world around them. I believe my ability to take the negativity in my life and want to make something beautiful and better makes me someone I would hope could be seen as anew model. As an Iranian American I come from a culture where not only who I am is not accepted but would be punishable by death. I would love to shine light on more non binary people as we need more visibility.

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