I am a 24 year old entrepreneer and former beauty queen. I have also starred in a TV Series for the BBC aimed at showing inner beauty and beauty without makeup. I take pride in my social media and have a cumulative following of over 200,000. I enjoy using my platform to help others in need and women in general to feel good in their skin.
I believe it is what we all needed to see growing up and I feel it is a great platform to portray beauty in many forms and to inspire younger generations to pursue their dreams.
I have always used my platform in pageants, social media and through television to portray a positive body image and to always show the real and unedited me. I believe it is important as many of us fall victim to feeling not good enough and have compared ourselves to others, but the truth is that what we see a lot of the time is not what the person looks like. I think it is important to reiterate that no one is perfect and that we all have flaws and positively using our voices to show our stretch marks of spots on our platforms. I have also always taken pride in being a representative right through from when I attended school to now. I enjoy teaching others and feel I would be able to inspire others to be the best version of themselves and to have self-love.