Flight attendant
33 years old
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Who am I?

My name is Jasmina - plot twist that "J" makes a Y sound and that "S" is strong heehee! I was born in East Europe, raised in West Europe and am now living in the US. Though I always wanted to be an actress, I honored my late parents' wishes and went to college. I obtained my Bachelor's degree in Global Studies in the Arts & Humanities at Michigan state University and am now a flight attendant for Skywest Airlines - I know, makes no sense, right? But when you end up studying what you like, chances are they won't be hiring when you've done your time! 😂 Speaking of time, I love spending mine outoors touching grass with my bare feet, dancing to most music, cooking traditional and other cultures dishes, reading what makes me cry - so poetry by Mahmoud Darwish, books like A Thousand Splendid Suns and Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini (you get the idea), watching a good movie, and most of all being with my niece and nephew who are the lights of my eyes and the 'souls of my soul.' On a typical day off, you can catch me doing any of the above, otherwise it's: "where in the world is Carmen Sandiego" today?

What do I think about The Fashion Hero TV series?

Truthfully, I don't know a lot about the show as I never had the privilege to watch it. But I've done my research and I think it's so wonderful that this company and this brand stands behind bringing people who are unconventional looking to the limelight. I've always been compared to the skinny girl, the blonde girl, the blue-eyed girl, and because of this I've never felt like I was enough. Don't get me wrong, beauty is beauty no matter the hair color or skin color or shape and size. But I grew up in a time where there was a standard that I did not fit into. I love that this brand cares about ALL human beings and if I had the honor of being a face of this brand, I would do my absolute best to help represent that. It's what future generations should witness.

Why would I be a great role model for this generation and inspire people as the new face of The Fashion Hero?

I truly think I would be a good role model for this generation because even though my head may be in the clouds and my dreams may be bigger than this world, I still stay grounded - I am a very down to earth human being with flaws and vulnerabilities beyond what one could imagine or "compare" and I am unapologetically myself, always. But I also have a solid moral compass and have deep rooted values that are important to me. There's no such thing as an ugly human being, and I feel that even though I've never been the standard, I can be a 'beautiful' human being that inspires others, regardless.

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