Just a regular girl who found an interest in pageantry and the world of fashion. fashion has been something that has been so incredibly close to me and to be able to be a part of something creative always gave me a sense of pride and achievement. Fashion and pageantry have truly inspired me to be the best version of me and I have been able to use both platforms to help make a change and help others gain Confidence.
Growing up I always wanted to be a doctor and a Model. These careers seem miles apart believe me. I never was one to fit into the ideal “model” look. I wasn’t tall, lean or as many say “to be a model you need to have the x- factor” At a tender age I didn’t know what that “x-factor” was. Growing up I realised the harshness of the fashion industry and wanted to become the change and help many others realise that they are perfect just the way they are. I am also the current Miss Teen Gillingham and will be competing for my dream title of Miss Teen GB. Helping others and seeing them blossom has always truly been a passion of mine so aspiring to be a doctor was never something to think about it just came naturally. There were many people who said these are two completely different careers and you will never make it. But through those people stood my mum strong as ever and said Himani be the one to prove them wrong.
A Fashion Hero to me is someone who has overcome the barriers of the fashion industry. As glamorous the industry maybe and as incredible the opportunities are, A person’s mental well-being overpowers all. I would want everyone to love themselves first before the outfit or the industry. Because despite all the glam outfits and makeup comes a very rare and valuable part of the industry and that’s YOU!