39 years old
Who am I?

Im just me, Heather from Tennessee I’m just a girl with the biggest most giving heart! FAITH is a big part of my life! Since childhood my amazing grandmother taught me to have faith and God will guide you! It definitely hasn’t been easy but looking back at who I was a 17 and who I am now shows how keeping faith all these years has saved me . I have always known that i am here for a reason and that one day i will make an impact on this world 🌹I Am also a very lucky mom of 4 gorgeous girls!! My four guardian angels are the greatest gifts I have ever received 🌹Optimistic about our future and whatever it may hold🌹Relationships have been my downfall but the amount of love I give out into this world daily has made me realize that it’s not always about finding happiness and being loved it’s about being happy with you and loving yourself first that means the most🌹there are many different kinds of people in this world ,pretty sure I’ve met some just flat out evil ones and still don’t understand how everyones heart isn’t like mine. The hate and jealousy, backstabbing, lies, manipulation I have witnessed to much off bye my closest friends and family and even the men that I have been with. I have a story to tell and I didn’t think my story could ever be told or if anyone even wanted to hear it but I am a fighter and I am and have all these years never ever given up and shining my light and helping others and being my authentic self just might be that light that one person might need to spark something inside them to change their lives as well 🌹I don’t trust anyone bc of the road I’ve been on the closest people in my life and i do mean the closest, have hurt me in ways that still looking back could have ended me and broke me down so much but i not for one day let stop me from getting up everyday with a smile on my face and all this endless love in my heart that i share with everyone around me and anyone I encounter on a daily. Hope you guys want to know more about me and my story because it’s time for me to shine my light and hopefully inspire others to follow and do the same. May not get as many votes on social because i honestly don’t want my family or even the man I’m currently living with to know about it. Not that I’m embarrassed they are just so negative and only would doubt my worth and say hurtful things to me and whoever else. But I’ve got this me and my girls are starting a new chapter and not everyone can come with us 🌹 love you guys. Love yourself 🌹shine bright and spread love🌹no fear only Faith 💋

What do I think about The Fashion Hero TV series?

Love it 😍 Don’t watch a lot of TV But I’m open to anything that helps me grow as an independent individual 🌹Definitely do remember the Backstreet Boys

Why would I be a great role model for this generation and inspire people as the new face of The Fashion Hero?

Too let everyone in this world know that we don’t have to be a certain religion or follow certain rules All that does is separates people and there’s only one thing one one that doesn’t And it’s LOVE. That’s the one thing we can all learn share and teach to one another to change the world and make it better one bye one we all have this power Jesus showed up how we should live and how we should love. Never a religion only love. Love is the answer Love is the only way 🌹❤️I’ve been down so many roads and have an inspiring story to share with the world. This has also been inspiring for myself and getting me out of my comfort zone and into the world like I would have never thought possible. Thank u so much for allowing this to even be a part of my journey. I’m ready to and remember Never lose FAITH🌹 definitely hasn’t made things easy but most definitely is making them possible 🌹 Faith over fear🌹the light and love that I have share and will continue to give to the world and anyone I encounter on a daily is infinite. Love is the most precious and most important emotion that we have to share and express at this time and moment. And bye showing and shining everyday and letting people know that we are all here for each other finding our way and bye shining and loving and caring for one another just might be why we are all here to live and spread love ❤️ might just be our ticket to heaven on earth we all so desire to find🌹

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