Curve model from Nashville, Tennessee, and my passion is the fashion industry. Growing up in a small town I was unable to truly tap into my love for fashion until I was an adult. I grew up on a rural farm. I never dreamed of being a model, because I felt I could never see representation for my own body. I am a recovering childhood addict, and was diagnosed with CPTSD in the past year due to childhood traumas. I am healing, and my vision is to advocate for body positivity, proper representation for all bodies, and use my platform for global issues and education to others.
I am in awe of the rawness of this show . When I came across the series I was extremely skeptical ( because of my own personal insecurities) , but with more research I found out about the show in depth. I find great comfort in knowing that I have a chance, regardless of my body type, skin color , orientation, and location to be on the show . I know In my heart of hearts that my purpose on this earth is to be a voice for the voiceless. This show will give me an opportunity to not only grow, but share my testimony with people who feel they are at a dead end. I’ve ran out of road before, and its life altering when you have an individual you can look up to who created a new path for themselves .
As a child I grew up in multiple different environments. It impacted me on a deeper level, and I felt I would never recover from it. Whether it was drugs , alcohol, sexual assault, poverty, mental health, and a slew of other things fashion was a gateway for me . A gateway for opportunity, passion, and healing . Through fashion I have found family, goals , and rehabilitation. I want to share that courageous transformation with the world, in hopes of it changing another’s life . If my life and vision only impacts one individual to pursue their own purpose in the end it will all be worth it .