South Africa
33 years old
Who am I?

Hi, I'm Cindy born and raised in South Africa very passionate about animals and motivating people to be more positive everyday and to see the good in every single day. Things I love to do is to workout daily and live a healthy life while being productive in my work and studies and also make time for God. Love all sorts of music except house (sorry peeps)...

What do I think about The Fashion Hero TV series?

I have so many things I love, one of my dreams is to have a restaurant when I retire that's my way in the future plan, I can't imagine leaving work and do nothing.... And why not start my own business and do what I love. My passion is making great food, working out, pushing myself everyday our bodies are capable of SO SO MUCH!!! Another dream is to visit Scotland and Ireland oh and also Switzerland. If I can make only one person smile and have a good laugh everyday I will feel so satisfied...I did get to do it on some days and I loved the feeling to see I lighted up someone's world for a minute.

Why would I be a great role model for this generation and inspire people as the new face of The Fashion Hero?

Using my positivity to get to peoples hearts and helping them to stay motivated and see their worth in everything they do.

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