Well, it is a debatable topic. It is very difficult to define what is BEAUTY? First of all, I would like to point out that it's not our fault if we call Pretty face or Fare skin as BEAUTY. It's just we have been programmed incorrectly while being born and brought up. Our society, our education system is responsible for all this. Whenever we see a fare woman, we immediately finds her beautiful irrespective of her behaviour, her nature, without even knowing anything about her. Why? Because that's how we are taught, that's how we have made our neurological connections which are so deep that it's almost impossible to break them. And you know what is the beauty of mind, it considers things as reality the way it is programmed. So, we have been programmed that FARE IS BEAUTY, DARK IS UGLY. In my opinion BEAUTY should be attached to Nature of a person, not to color. Beauty relies In the things which a human can control, it can be his/her health, it can be his/her nature and what not. There are several things which a human can take control but still we are taught that a pretty face is beauty which is totally not in a person's control.
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