Candy Tsholofelo
South Africa
Project Manager
32 years old
Who am I?

My name is Candy Tsholofelo Rathebe, 28 years of age, i have no children and currently working as a project manager. I was Born In soweto, raised in between Soweto and the Vaal.i lost my mother when i was 16 years old and me and my sister were separated because we had different fathers, i had always aspired to be an actress or presenter but all those dreams had to fall away because i had to Go to school, try my best and settle for a 8-5 job, because i knew she deserved more- she had to go to school ect,she is now grown and going to college lol which i pay for and now im going to chase after my dreams, BUT because i always had Weight Issues i was never considered a model, i was bullied from Primary school and have yet learnt about myself as i grew so did my confidence, i learnt to be more brave, love myself and be kind to myself and im taking this leap of faith to become a butterfly, well i always have been a Go-getter and believed if another person can do it so can i.. I am an extrovert and love going out , i love music and Motivational Speaking.

What do I think about The Fashion Hero TV series?

It is a great platform for people to actualise their thoughts,dreams and Visions

Why would I be a great role model for this generation and inspire people as the new face of The Fashion Hero?

I am Driven,smart and Go getter, i love challenges and this is what the youth is looking for

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