Brenda G.
33 years old
Who am I?

The beauty for me is something unique in each person, depends on the eyes with which you look, there is beauty even in such a insignificant detail, although many identify beauty with a pretty face, clear eyes, fine and delicate features, a perfect body , slim, with curves that define a woman as attractive, for me, lies in something simpler, not in the exterior or physical appearance, if not, in the interior, I am guided by the feelings and actions of people, something that proves that there are more important things than a pretty face.

What do I think about The Fashion Hero TV series?

I am a very simple girl, I studied Gastronomy, I'm following my dreams and trying to learn about myself every day. I have two brothers and six dogs, I love to make happy to people, laugh and see the positive to everything. I love the beach, classical music and the 80's, I like to cook, exercise, ballet, spend time with people that are important to me, makeup and the fashion realities, help animals that do not have a home and the environment.

Why would I be a great role model for this generation and inspire people as the new face of The Fashion Hero?

I would love to push to others to follow their dreams, to fight for what they want in life even if others tell them they can’t do it. I want to be an example for others.

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