I’m a Single mother of 3 beautiful kids, professional model leaving in Malta, Native from Cameroon
I think that the fashion Hero TV series is the greatest idea of the century !!!! Promoting the diversity and the beauty of every human being ! Mostly this will help to bring back the self confidence of many of us who never believe in their beauty!
I’m a 35 years old single mother who when through physical and mental abuse, which drove me to emotional detachment and low self esteem .... Unbelievable but true! I will be a great model for this generation yes by showing them that nobody have the key to our happiness if not us! We never have to leave someone put us down with the way he/she treat us! We are much more stronger than we think! We still can achieve our goals, no matter how different we are! I would like to show to all the person in the world that went or are going through the same situation as me, those people who like me are mentally and emotionally destroyed that we can still wake up and believe in ourselves, it’s not the end! we can finally look at us in the mirror and love what we see, US! We are beautiful inside out, no matter how different we may be! we are competing only with ourself to be day after day the better version of us, YES WE CAN !!!!