Anna Ellina
29 years old
Who am I?

Hello! I am an artist and blogger from Russia, Vladivostok with multi-potential: I paint pictures, paint on clothes, do clothes design, I am a great nail-artist, make up artist and also a wise astologist and can predict future with tarot cards. I express all of it in modelling, doing craetive looks for my Instagram

What do I think about The Fashion Hero TV series?

Its stunning!

Why would I be a great role model for this generation and inspire people as the new face of The Fashion Hero?

In this modern world of change I represent how a soul can be always changing but stable in his/her moral code at the same time: I have true multi-potential and express it in work professionally, although kids with lots of abilities are misunderstood by previous generations, which keep up to a thought: pick up something one, and do this for a life. I can show the other way. I also had a very lonely childhood and always here in need of abandoned kids who don't feel loved. I'd like to show them great love of the world they always have acsess to, notwithstanding anything which happen in life. With love, Anna Kado <3

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