Győztes :
Révic Mendes Agostino
Révic Mendes Agostino
Designer :
Christopher Bates
Christopher Bates
Kor: 27
Származás: Kongó [KDK]
Révic is an aspiring male model from Paris who, like most young boys, wanted to play soccer professional growing up. As he got older he discovered his true passion which was acting and modeling. He has encountered his fair share of issues due to the industries standards but despite the struggles he followed his passion of acting, dancing and modeling and reached out to casting directors in his area. Not long after he found The Fashion Hero, and really came into his own. He proved wrong anyone that ever said no to him, and became a season 1 winner, chosen by male designer Christopher Bate and joined him at Milan fashion week, as well as modeled for his new clothing line. Revic believe you should always stay positive, because if you stay positive and keep persevering, anything is possible.

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