29 éves
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Ki vagyok én?

I am creative, skillful and I always love to live new experiences. I am a hard worker since I was 16 and everything I do, I do it with style.

Mit gondolok a Fashion Hero TV sorozatról?

I think their focus on finding new ways to represent different types of attractive and give regular people the opportunity to inspire other people is just amazing.

Miért lennék jó példakép a generációm számára, és hogyan inspirálnám az embereket a Fashion Hero új arcaként?

I'd love to let this generation know that is possible to start over anytime no matter how far you think you got. My life changed drastically three times. I'm living a life right now that is completely different that the life I lived 5 years ago. I just want anybody that may be going through the same situation that is always possible to keep moving and to start things over as many times as they need.

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