Sultan issa
Egyesült Arab Emirátus
29 éves
Ki vagyok én?

I am the zero to hero I start up to build my self from the scratch I grow up without my dad and my mom often dedicated her self and effort to feed the family so in very young age I am forced to stand as the father of the house I need to show a strength and courage for my siblings so they won't lose hope and confidence I showed mask that one day became who I am truly the brave and confident but the kind and soft at the same time because of the hard life I forge my self into the model of our home the one they take courage from and the one that never loses hope and faith but they don't know there are millions of time I almost surrender being their model being the source of strength of everyone but as what I always tell to my self there is no quiting in terms of family and obligations the only way to surpassed it is to get it done and till end I will be the model of my friends and family

Mit gondolok a Fashion Hero TV sorozatról?

It is a good platforms for a generation of us and it opens allot of further understanding of our society and social being in this divers time

Miért lennék jó példakép a generációm számára, és hogyan inspirálnám az embereket a Fashion Hero új arcaként?

It's simply because I am a real person a person willing to show them the reality and a person never to shy telling storyline of my own life setting up example that may boost their self to became the future generations hero

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