42 éves
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Ki vagyok én?

I am a woman. Professionally, I have been a teacher, business owner, and administrator, and have worked in education, technology, and digital marketing. I am a mother. None of these accurately describes me though - only my experiences in life. I am a soul on a journey. I am a poet, a singer, a dancer, and anything I want to be at any chapter in life. I have learned that life is what you make of it and I choose to create a life that is of service to others to serve as an example to younger women wherever I am at that time.

Mit gondolok a Fashion Hero TV sorozatról?

The mission of this show resonates with me. I grew up in the era of Seventeen Magazine and Teen Magazine. I struggled with eating disorders for a time and a lot of this was because of what I was seeing in the media. I do not currently watch television or movies that perpetuate negative emotions to protect my vibration. It is great to have content out there to empower women of all shapes and sizes!

Miért lennék jó példakép a generációm számára, és hogyan inspirálnám az embereket a Fashion Hero új arcaként?

I am a regular person. I have been different sizes over the years, and now at 41, I finally feel comfortable in my skin. I would be a great role model for this generation because my story is a story of resilience. My face is not perfect. My body is not perfect. I am not perfect, but I am real. In my daily life, I help where I can. Young women seek me out to sit down and ask how I have achieved my goals even when life got very difficult. Over the past year and a half, I have worked very hard, with the help of a close friend, to transform my body into what I have always wanted. I would like the opportunity to show women everywhere at any age that anything is possible!

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