Customer Service Agent
59 éves
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Ki vagyok én?

My name is Angela . I'm a kiwi from New Zealand living in Austalia . I work with the airlines and love customer service roles . It brings the best our of me that makes me who I am .

Mit gondolok a Fashion Hero TV sorozatról?

This is the best thing I've come across for a long time . I love the diversity something I relate too very much

Miért lennék jó példakép a generációm számára, és hogyan inspirálnám az embereket a Fashion Hero új arcaként?

Oh without a doubt , people don't believe my age ! I would serve as a reminder to all that age does not stop you living your best life . You are as young as you feel and can do anything your heart desires . I'm working my dream job which is an inspiration amongst those who know me .

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