44 वर्ष
मैं कौन हूँ?

I am a Care Professional, internationally published model, fashion Runway catwalk/ photoshoots photography model

द फ़ैशन हीरो टीवी सीरीज़ के बारे में मेरा क्या विचार है?

To be a fashion hero is not just displaying , showing dresses and following fashion trends. I, myself am what you call a petite model not your usually tall willowy model but I believe to be a fashion hero is for everyone , meeting people, meeting new friends, character building, loving and appreciating ourselves of who we are and what we have. No matter what sizers we are, no matter what we look, it's about appreciating what above given to us and how we value our characteristics.

मैं इस पीढ़ी के लिए एक महान रोल मॉडल कैसे बन सकता/सकती हूँ और द फ़ैशन हीरो का नया चेहरा बन कर लोगों को कैसे प्रेरित कर सकता/सकती हूँ?

To be a great role model is to have self confidence, having the ability in loving yoirself and accepting yourself and sharing what you have to other people. I stand up for myself and so I stands up for others. I raise my thoughts and my voice because it matters.

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