Hi, my name is Airrial Tutton, and I absolutely love fashion. It is something so important to my character. As I'm a size 16, it is incredibly hard to find clothes. Many times plus size stores don't have clothes that are just as fashionable as the straight size store options. I think there is a misconception that just because I'm fat, I don't want to be stylish, and every day I live my life trying to prove that wrong. I love creating outfits and going out into the world showing that someone my size can be stylish. The outfits I wear in my pictures are all styled by me.
I think it's an amazing opportunity to break standards in the fashion industry and world. The message that anyone can do it is amazing and something I support!
I'm an extremely bright person, but I also stuggle with depression, anxiety, body issues, and confidence issues. I think it's important that people in the world see someone who not only reflects what they look like but that have also faced similar things. I have had to struggle growing up which has made me more tenacious. I'd love to represent my generation and inspire them! I also want to show you don't need to spend thousands of dollars to become stylish.