22 בן/בת שנים
מי אני?

Hi! My name is Talin. I grew up in dar es salaam Tanzania xx best place on earth, who ever is reading this put TZ at the tippy top of your travel list!! I think a lot... exploring my mind palace is my favorite thing ever. But generally I find humans interesting, their behavior thinking patterns and emotions... I currently study psychology and when I am not studying I like to philosophize with myself about everything and anything! Life is weird, so I think about all the different ways it's weird and where I can interact my weird with it's weird you know. Exploration.

מה דעתי על תוכנית הטלויזיה "גיבור האופנה"?

I think promoting a new kind of beautiful is a great step in helping emancipate people from the pressure beauty standards impose on people, however, I don't think it should be about the "new face " as such just a literal face that is foreign to that standard expectation of beauty. I think the focus of beauty should be in the energy of the new face, the aura that a smile brings, and the general vibe of a person. A persons energy is their most attractive quality regardless of their body composition, I think through this campaign the fashion hero tv series should attempt at the best of their abilities to highlight and emphasize that beauty lies in all of us, as a energy, not just a rare eye color or funky hair style but those are cool too! Point is, beauty is much more then just skin deep.

למה אני אהיה מודל לחיקוי לדור הזה ואשמש השראה לאנשים בתור הפנים החדשות של "גיבור האופנה"?

I think if it follows along the lines of beauty as an energy, I believe in the power and wonderful affect of my energy. I was fortunate to grow up in a place which exposed me to the most beauty in people and nature and I think that through experiencing life so uniquely I have a lot of unique learnings that are important for this generation to understand about remaining open minded, enthusiastic and optimistic about life and living presently, these learnings I would love to share! I am fresh, fly and funky and surely a new type of beauty too. I am so confident that if I was given just 30 seconds to show my beauty people will pick up on the vibe and understand the true essence of beauty... kindness!

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