ארצות הברית
27 בן/בת שנים
מי אני?

Hello my name is Kadia Archer but go by Kadia Zhané. I am 21 years old and I am a model and singer. Growing up I. A single family household I would find ways to entertain myself. I would always run around the house singing my own songs, Making my own Outfits or playing school. My mom would allow me to be a creative free spirit. My ethnic background is Cherokee Indian, Puerto Rican and African American.

מה דעתי על תוכנית הטלויזיה "גיבור האופנה"?

My ultimate dream is to be a mogul both in fashion and In music(I sing as Week as I dance). I would love the opportunity to show girls that you can do anything you can set your mind to no Matter what your size or status is.

למה אני אהיה מודל לחיקוי לדור הזה ואשמש השראה לאנשים בתור הפנים החדשות של "גיבור האופנה"?

I would show everyone it’s okay to be different and not follow the trend of everyone else.

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