There are Humans then there are World changers. I am a world changer , I’m a activist, I’m a college student , and a freelance Super Model and a all around encouraging being . I’m the goofy tall clumsy giant standing at 6’2 but I’m the big friendly giant. I am the start to something bigger and greater then myself . I am also the gal who will be the change I want to see in the world. I am the rule breaker, the rule maker, the helping hand the long nice bear hug, the shoulder to cry on, the advice giver and much more. I am Jazzman moneè.
I think the fashion hero tv series is the best thing for this world and society since the invention of the light bulb . Hearing the goals of the fashion hero tv series is like a breath of fresh air or like that morning stretch that gets you out of bed to look forward to something great. The fashion hero tv series is literally the whole purpose of my life . To show the world everyone can do and be anything they want with hard work and believing in their selves . The fashion hero is the start of the demolition of the term “standard “ . And I’m down for the ride!
I would be a great role model and the new face of “THE FASHION HERO because I live that life everyday. At 13 I started a dove self esteem class for young girls and I put the program into the ymcas and boys and girls clubs .which consisted of class sessions that would explain just how smart , beautiful , talented and capable your are as a young lady . And I taught them how to live positive and not to let judgement get to them from teachers from parents whom ever. I taught them to believe in themselves. Because as a kid I got bullied for being tall i was 5’11 at 12 so I got all kind of names and things thrown at me . But it was something in me that never gave up. And at the same time I was being bullied I would have girls come up to me and just start telling me their life stories at school at my job and I would listen and from there it either ended with a hug or some advice. I still have random girls come up to me young and older and spill there hearts and I’m 22 now . Humans can sense when other humans are caring . All we need in this world is the skill of listening to others with a table spoon of actually caring. And ACTUAL ACTION behind our words. I made it out of my neighborhood alive and I’m going after a dream. To be a model and attend my dream college UCLA (go bruins!!!) I’ve been told I was to ethnic (whatever that means) . I’ve been told I was too tall, I’ve been Told my teeth are to messed up so i couldn’t get signed by a new York agency. I’ve been told by designers they don’t use black models because were dirty. Even after all of that I know my worth and I’m still striving. And that’s what I want my peers to see. The most important thing in life is to love yourself and never ever ever ever give up . There’s always a storm before the rainbow. Diamonds were made from rough. So , I jazzman moneè would be a great role model for this generation and the new face of Fashion Hero because I have the Heart , the Work ethic, the purpose to help others succeed, and life experience. Plus my ambition won’t stop there we will go down in history!