First of all, I'm a redhead, I'm optimistic and I always try to get everything out of everything, even if it's not always good I work in a pet shop and have a stunning 6 year old daughter who is my life and I am single, I love sports, fashion, movies and more ...
I always thought about modeling and inside I always believed that I could but for some reason I thought that people in the industry where I live will not give me an opportunity until someone approached me. I'm sure after a few times, if they only give me a push, I will succeed
As a fashion hero, I can be seen as someone who gives an example of not giving up on your dreams and that even at a late age people can accept you for who you are. I know i'm not the classic model, but I can bring a new color to the show. It would also be nice to prove to all those who criticized me that I can do it and show them that they can look at things differently. I would be very happy to have an opportunity!