I don't like overselling myself, actually, I used to not talk about myself at all because I think it's very self-serving. But after everything I've been through I think I deserve a little credit. I am still learning and evolving into this person I have dreamt of becoming ever since I was a little girl- someone strong and free.
I think it is long overdue. We have people who think they are alone in whatever problem they are going through but launching a platform such as this one empowers everybody in a certain way. I believe the inclusivity is what makes it exclusive.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to follow the trend as long as it doesn't cost you your peace of mind and of course your health. I am someone who has always struggled with fluctuating weight and sensitive skin, therefore susceptible to skin problems. I have always believed that I should stay this certain weight and maintain a certain type of skin to look good and feel good about myself. However, recently, I realized that I am now a mother. I am not supposed to have the same body built I had 10 years ago even though that is what some people expect of me. I have a scar that reminds me the beauty of childbirth that I have no interest in hiding or concealing. I have a full-time job while taking care of a toddler and while it is ideal to spend a little time on the gym and work out a few times a week, not every parent can afford to do that with their schedule and that's okay. When I was in my youth I could afford skin care products worth thousands but now it seems too much especially since I can find better alternatives using natural products. So ultimately, I think I will be a great role model for this generation's new kind of beauty because not only do I speak about one's attractiveness on the outside but their mental and emotional health as well, since I believe true beauty is reflected from within. And being able to overcome your personal issues, rising through your problems, for me, is the ultimate fashion statement.