Hi I'm Jose Ornelas, born and raised in San Jose Ca! BAY AREA woot woot represent. I'm proud to be Mexican. Grew up in a traditional catholic home and learned some beautiful life lessons. I love to pour passion into this world and I'm ready to share it with all of you!
Id love to be given this opportunity and chance because of my height, age, Ethnicity or look I've always been shunned or not given an opportunity and now because of this show I have the chance to share my talent with the world!
I want some one to see me on tv and on and AD and say, wow I look like him. He is latino, he is mexican. He is proud to be who he is and he is representing us. Because we are so under represented especially being mexican and i wanna show the world that no matter who you are, no matter what your look is, what your background is YOU CAN achieve ANYTHING! Thank you all!