My name is Christopher, I am a 25 year old social media manager, and graduate student. Education and knowledge is very important to me. In my free time I love smothering my pomeranians with attention. I also enjoy reading self help books.
I am very passionate about adoption. Last year I found both of my birth parents after 21 years in 4 days. My dream would be to use my modeling platform as a tool to expand awareness and educate people on the stigmas adoptees face. My longterm goal is to open a nonprofit catering to adoptees.
I am 5'5 Ft. I think alot of times in fashion alot of people are ruled out because of them not meeting a certain criteria. That needs to be changed, we are all beautiful in our own ways, and fashion should not be limited to one type of person. Growing up I was very insecure about my height. I felt inferior to others, and felt constant rejection from "love interests" due to my height. I disliked people talking down to me because of my height or youthful appearance. I hated being described as "the short light skinned boy". Despite my height, I finally feel tall and I want to share that in being apart of this experience with Fashion Hero.