Procedencia: Canadá
My name is Luna Lindsay, I’m a content creator born and raised on the East coast of Canada. Flashback to my life a few years ago you’d find me heading down a completely different career path from the one I’ve decided to take. Moving to the bigger city of Toronto I was worried about having to adapt my aesthetic to the concrete lifestyle, but overtime I realized that the space around you is what you make it. I consider myself a free spirited bohemian style child. Warm tones, bold colours, bohemian rocker and fashion based; I began using my platform in 2015 as a creative & inspirational space. With a strong visual aesthetic and flow, I’ve managed to develop a successful and continuously growing brand working and collaborating with a variety of companies globally. I’m a dreamer and someone who truly believes that it is so important to pursue your passions and live them wholeheartedly!
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